Final Fantasy VII Remake – Afterthoughts

It’s finally here! But then again it isn’t… The first and most important change that Square Enix made with this remake is splitting it up into multiple parts. As for how many parts there will be in the end, well, even its director Nomura Tetsuya isn’t quite sure of that yet. However, with all the attention that the team is getting, it’s safe to say that there’s an enormous amount of pressure on Nomura Tetsuya and his co-directors. Now that there’s been enough time since Part 1’s release, let’s reflect a bit. Here are my afterthoughts…

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Video Game Monetisation – Industry Talk

Playing video games these days can be frustrating. I’m not talking about difficulty here, but rather what we see more often than not even before we get to see the game itself. “Thank you for buying our product, how about you spend more money?” is something you’ll never read in these exact words but it is essentially what we get today.  The concept of selling additional content or features is by no means new, but over the last few years, we’ve seen many different trends. Here’s some Industry Talk… Continue reading “Video Game Monetisation – Industry Talk”