The Last of Us 2 – Afterthoughts

2020 will not only go down in history as that one year where the United States spectacularly failed to properly address the dangers of a raging pandemic, largely due to an elected president with the mental capacity of a toaster and an ego so fragile that you need to wrap it in tape, but it will also be remembered as the year we all finally got to witness the second coming of Jesus Christ, that is the release of Cyberpunk 2077. The only way CD Projekt might screw that up is if we have to witness V bashing Geralt’s head in with a flashy futuristic baseball bat. Anyway, here are my afterthoughts…...

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Final Fantasy VII Remake – Afterthoughts

It’s finally here! But then again it isn’t… The first and most important change that Square Enix made with this remake is splitting it up into multiple parts. As for how many parts there will be in the end, well, even its director Nomura Tetsuya isn’t quite sure of that yet. However, with all the attention that the team is getting, it’s safe to say that there’s an enormous amount of pressure on Nomura Tetsuya and his co-directors. Now that there’s been enough time since Part 1’s release, let’s reflect a bit. Here are my afterthoughts…

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Gamescom 2017 – Afterthoughts

Ever since Germany’s gaming expo first opened its doors roughly nine years ago it attracted hundreds of thousands of attendees each year, resulting in regularly breaking visitor records, essentially making it the largest western gaming convention. I used the chance to attend multiple times, most notably this year, but also back when it all started in 2008. Here are my afterthoughts… Continue reading “Gamescom 2017 – Afterthoughts”